Pasta Puttanesca

Pasta Puttanesca
@thecornerplot on Instagram put together this beautifullly simple Pasta Puttanesca.

All you need are:

1 onion (red, white or blue, doesn’t matter)⁠ 
½ tsp chilli flakes⁠ 
2 garlic cloves, chopped⁠
Organico Olive oil⁠

Cook slowly for 5 mins in medium saucepan.⁠

1 can of Organico Italian chopped tomatoes⁠ 
1 tbsp tomato puree⁠ 
½ jar Fish4Ever anchovies (or 1 tbsp Yondu)⁠ 
2 tbsp Organico capers⁠ 
1/3 jar Organico pitted mixed olives, 
chopped⁠Ground black pepper⁠ 
Chopped parsley⁠ 
Parmesan (or vegan) cheese⁠⁠ 
½ bag of Organico Classic Italian Trottole⁠⁠ 

Serves 2⁠ 

Add the tomatoes, tomato puree, anchovies, capers and olives to the saucepan and simmer on medium heat. ⁠⁠ 

Cook the pasta according to the pack instructions (minus 2 mins). Drain (reserving a half cup of the water), pour the sauce over the pasta, add some of the pasta water and simmer for a couple of minutes. ⁠⁠ 

Serve and sprinkle with chopped parsley and parmesan cheese. 

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