The average UK carbon footprint is between 10 and 15 tonnes per annum {what is the UK per capita footprint?} so you could go straight into offsetting on the basis of an average value. BUT there will be a lot of variability depending on lifestyle and, yes, wealth.

There are many calculators out there. Mostly they are linked to offset programs. Carbon Footprint Limited the company we paid to do our own footprint assessment, offers a free calculator, which is as close to comprehensive as you will find but before you start gather all your information, your car mileage, your flights and other travel, your gas and electricity bills and then some intelligent guesstimate entries for the main spend items in your life, including food, clothes, books, the lot. This calculator is in $ so currently one £ buys you $1.37.

I looked at a calculator offered by Global Footprint Network which covers more than just your Co2 footprint and has a more graphic and easier-fill approach but warning the averages are based on UK figures which are far in excess of the UK or EU norm. Plus, I don’t think the generalised slider bar is an accurate way of doing this:

Finally, more like the Global Footprint Network with even better graphics is a WWF footprint calculator that is UK based and if you don’t have the time to go into the details required by Carbon Footprint Limited would be a good quick alternative which asks a few general questions and pops up with a figure:

WWF Footprint Calculator

Now let’s say you want to offset your footprint how do you go about it. Well, I would highly recommend straightforward donations to the charities we supported:

Finally, and in terms of countability of a footprint, tree investments do offer a lot of clarity and given trees grow over a 20-30 period and that coincides with the period when the world will still be emitting more and so offsetting to try to absorb the Co2 you’re responsible for from a consumption point of view is important. Naturally it’s important to choose the right charities, involved in real tree planting, without abuse of local population and rights, etc – and you’ll be wanting to know that a “fair” proportion of your money is actually going into the planting of the trees rather than administration. I would mention three tree charities that seemed good when we did our research, the first two of which will give you a trees per Co2 figure: - Offset your CO2 footprint

Tree Planting and Carbon Offsetting | Ecologi

Home — TreeSisters

If you want to know more about climate change with Cop26 closing in, it makes sense to buy a book, listen to a couple of podcasts or watch a few You Tube videos so you get a sense of the bigger picture. Plus you’re quite welcome to ask us for our own documents and/or useful sources on With climate change we like to say “we’re all in it together”.


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